Microbiology Australia
Volume 36 Number 4 2015
Cytomegalovirus, Infections in Pregnancy and Congenital Infection
MA15056Clinical and epidemiological features of congenital cytomegalovirus infection globally
Wendy J van Zuylen
pp. 153-156
MA15057Therapeutics to prevent congenital cytomegalovirus during pregnancy: what is available now and in the future?
Stuart T Hamilton, Corina Hutterer and Manfred Marschall
pp. 156-161
MA15058Reducing congenital cytomegalovirus infection through policy and legislation in the United States
Sara Menlove Doutre
pp. 162-164
MA15059Congenital cytomegalovirus and its consequences for families
Kate Daly and Janelle Greenlee
pp. 165-166
MA15060New diagnostics and methods of assessing pregnant women at risk of cytomegalovirus
Tiziana Lazzarotto, Liliana Gabrielli and Roberta Rizzo
pp. 167-170
MA15061Cytomegalovirus infection and pathogenesis in the human placenta
Lenore Pereira, Takako Tabata and Matthew Petitt
pp. 171-174
MA15062Vaccination for cytomegalovirus: when, where and how
Vijayendra Dasari and Rajiv Khanna
pp. 175-178
MA15063An effective and feasible approach to prevention of primary cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy
Maria Grazia Revello, Valentina Frisina, Giovanna Oggè, Alessia Arossa and Milena Furione
pp. 179-181
MA15066Transmission of human cytomegalovirus via breastmilk and potential risks to very preterm infants
Klaus Hamprecht and Rangmar Goelz
pp. 190-193
MA15069Obituary: Professor Geoffrey Randolph Shellam
Tony Cunningham, John Mackenzie, Gustav Nossal and William Rawlinson
pp. 200-201