Microbiology Australia
Volume 30 Number 2 2009
Microbes and Global Climate Change
MA09067Zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium, Dinophyceae) symbioses on coral reefs
Madeleine JH van Oppen and Ingo Burghardt
pp. 67-71
MA09078Impact of global climate change on marine bacterial symbioses and disease
Nicole S Webster, David G Bourne and Linda L Blackall
pp. 78-81
MA09089Microalgal biofuel systems: Climate change, fuel supply and economic opportunities for sustainable development
Evan Stephens, Ian L Ross, Ben Hankamer, Clemens Posten and Olaf Kruse
pp. 89-91
MA09092Infections of cats attributable to slow growing or ‘non-culturable’ mycobacteria
Richard Malik, Carolyn O'Brien and Janet Fyfe
pp. 92-94
MA09095Identification of novel drug targets using model organisms
Anthony Brzoska, Ryan Withers, Kylie Turner, Andrew Robinson, Nick Dizon, Liz Harry and Peter Lewis
pp. 95-97
MA09098Environmental isolation of Scedosporium species from the greater Sydney region: a link to the emergence of infections in Australia?
Azian Harun, Felix Gilgado, Sharon Chen and Wieland Meyer
pp. 98-101