Microbiology Australia
Volume 30 Number 1 2009
Microbiology of Water Reuse and Alternative Supplies
MA09008Pathogens and indicators in wastewater matrices
Alexandra Keegan, Candani Tutuka and Paul Monis
pp. 8-11
MA09016The impact of biofilms on water quality in long pipelines
Jason Plumb, Geoffrey Puzon and Maneesha Ginige
pp. 16-19
MA09020Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) for water re-use via aquifers
Declan Page and Simon Toze
pp. 20-21
MA09022Meeting the recycled water challenge for Sydney
Peter Cox, Mark Angeles and Michael Storey
pp. 22-26
MA09030A consensus: microbial source tracking (MST) in water
Helen Stratton, Warish Ahmed and Mohammad Katouli
pp. 30-32
MA09033Microbial population changes during managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
Simon Toze and Deborah Reed
pp. 33-34
MA09035Quantitative detection of pathogens in roof-harvested rainwater
W Ahmed, A Goonetilleke and T Gardner
pp. 35-37
MA09040Enteric bacteria build-up in effluent irrigated plantations
Ajay Sharma, Keith Harrower and Nanjappa Ashwath
pp. 40-41