Microbiology Australia
Volume 28 Number 4 2007
Antimicrobial Resistance
MA07152Towards an integrated approach to the problem of antimicrobial resistance in Australia
John Tapsall and John Merlino
pp. 152-153
MA07169Resistance to antiviral agents: balancing good and evil
David Smith and David Speers
pp. 169-170
MA07171Impact of antifungal resistance in Australia
David Ellis, Tania Sorrell and Sharon Chen
pp. 174-175
MA07186An overview of emerging community based antimicrobial resistance
Tom Gottlieb and Elaine Cheong
pp. 186-190
MA07195Epidemic potential and antimicrobial resistance in Clostridium difficile
Thomas V Riley
pp. 195-197
MA07201An ongoing national programme to reduce antibiotic prescription and use
Lynn M Weekes, Judith M Mackson, Margaret A Artist and Sonia Wutzke
pp. 201-204