Microbiology Australia
Volume 27 Number 2 2006
Point of Care and Rapid Diagnostic Technologies
MA06056The need for regulation and standardisation of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) assays for the diagnosis of acute tropical infections: dengue as a case study
Stuart D Blacksell and Nicholas P J Day
pp. 56-57
MA06058Quality control and quality assurance for point of care (POC) diagnostic tests
William Rawlinson, Ros Escott, Cristina Baleriola and Arthur Morris
pp. 58-60
MA06068DNA microarrays for pathogen detection and characterisation
Philippa Jack and David Boyle
pp. 68-69
MA06070Point of care testing: lateral flow technology and beyond
Stuart Hazell and Hugh Swingler
pp. 70-71
MA06080Beyond antibodies ? lessons from bacterial ?immunity?
Stewart D Nuttall, Suzy M Juraja and Jennifer A Carmichael
pp. 80-81
MA06082Point of care using simple/rapid HIV tests
Kate Learmonth, Dale McPhee and Elizabeth M Dax
pp. 82-84