Microbiology Australia
Volume 31 Number 4 2010
Biocides in the Health Industry
MA10159Emergence of bacterial resistance to microbicides and antibiotics
Jean-Yves Maillard
pp. 159-164
MA10168Resistance to the biocidal activity of silver in burn wound dressings – is it a problem?
John Merlino and Peter Kennedy
pp. 168-170
MA10178Pumping out biocides – cause for concern
Karl A Hassan, Sylvia Baltzer, Ian Paulsen and Melissa Brown
pp. 178-181
MA10182Tea-tree oil – a naturally occurring biocide
Natalie Thomson, Katherine Hammer and Thomas Riley
pp. 182-184
MA10201From the Editors
Ian Macreadie, Johann Macreadie and Hayley Macreadie