Microbiology Australia
Volume 33 Number 2 2012
Viral Gastroenteritis
MA12049Aetiological importance of viruses causing acute gastroenteritis in humans
Geoffrey Higgins, Sonia Schepetiuk and Rod Ratcliff
pp. 49-52
MA12056Impact of rotavirus vaccination on childhood gastroenteriti
Sarah Sheridan, Stephen Lambert and Keith Grimwood
pp. 56-60
MA12061Rotavirus infection in Northern Territory before and after vaccination
Thomas Snelling, Peter Markey, Jonathan Carapetis and Ross Andrews
pp. 61-63
MA12070Molecular epidemiology of noroviruses and sapoviruses and their role in Australian outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis
Peter White, John-Sebastian Eden and Grant Hansman
pp. 70-73
MA12074Pathogenesis and replication of norovirus: following the mouse tail?
Jennifer Hyde and Jason McKenzie
pp. 74-76
MA12082The association of picornaviruses with gastroenteritis
Bruce Thorley and Jason Roberts
pp. 82-84