Microbiology Australia
Volume 41 Number 3 2020
Organisms of Security and Biothreat Relevance and Responses
MA20030The risk from Security Sensitive Biological Agents (SSBAs) and the need for response
Sandra Gebbie, Alexa Kaufer and William Rawlinson
pp. 115-115
MA20031Biological warfare: the history of microbial pathogens, biotoxins and emerging threats
Alexa M Kaufer, Torsten Theis, Katherine A Lau, Joanna L Gray and William D Rawlinson
pp. 116-122
MA20034Responses to Security Sensitive Biological Agents (SSBA) risks by the Australian Federal Police
Paul Roffey and Michelle Gahan
pp. 128-131
MA20035Imported biologicals: unforeseen biosecurity risks in the laboratory
Annette M Dougall, Tim R Brinkley and Brian D Clarke
pp. 132-135
MA20037Complying with Defence Export Controls: a working perspective
Joanna L Gray, Torsten Theis and Alexa M Kaufer
pp. 139-142
MA20039A decade of RCPAQAP Biosecurity improving testing for biological threats in Australia
Katherine A Lau, Torsten Theis, Alexa M Kaufer, Joanna L Gray and William D Rawlinson
pp. 145-149
MA20040The SARS-CoV-2 ‘perfect storm’: from humble betacoronavirus to global pandemic
Annaleise R Howard-Jones and Jen Kok
pp. 150-156