Brazil, example of a non-Nagoya Protocol country
Manuela da SilvaOswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz)
Av. Brasil
4365 CEP: 21040-900
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Tel: +55 21 3885 1714
Microbiology Australia 40(3) 106-108
Published: 12 September 2019
Brazil was one of the first countries to regulate access to genetic resources, and to associate traditional knowledge and benefit sharing through Provisional Act 2186-16 of 23 August 2001 for purposes of scientific research, bioprospecting, and technological development. After almost 15 years of many criticisms and demands from civil society and other sectors, Law 13,123 was sanctioned on 20 May 20151 and entered into force on 17 November 2015, revoking Provisional Act 2.186.