Invertebrate Systematics
Volume 16 Number 4 2002
Short-range Endemism in the Australian Biota
IS02009Short-range endemism amongst the Australian fauna: some examples from non-marine environments
M. S. Harvey
pp. 555-570
IT01043What makes a narrow-range taxon? Insights from Australian freshwater snails.
W. F. Ponder and D. J. Colgan
pp. 571-582
IT01041Spatial analysis of genetic variation as a rapid assessment tool in the conservation management of narrow-range endemics
S. A. Clark and B. J. Richardson
pp. 583-587
IT01039 Islands under the desert: molecular systematics and evolutionary origins of stygobitic water beetles (Coleoptera : Dytiscidae) from central Western Australia
S. J. B. Cooper, S. Hinze, R. Leys, C. H. S. Watts and W. F. Humphreys
pp. 589-590
IT01040A molecular assessment of the extent of variation and dispersal between Australian populations of the genus Archaeochlus Brundin (Diptera : Chironomidae)
J. Martin, V. Guryev, A. Blinov and D. H. D. Edward
pp. 599-603
IT01032Patterns and levels of endemism in the Australian Wet Tropics rainforest: evidence from flightless insects
D. K. Yeates, P. Bouchard and G. B. Monteith
pp. 605-619
IT01037Geographic ranges, sympatry and the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of species of an endemic Tasmanian freshwater crayfish
B. Hansen and A. M. M. Richardson
pp. 621-629
IS02015Small-scale patterns of sponge biodiversity (Porifera) from the Sunshine Coast reefs, eastern Australia
J. N. A. Hooper and J. A. Kennedy
pp. 637-653
IT01036Single-species sampling in Tasmania: an inefficient approach to invertebrate conservation?
R. Mesibov, K. J. Bonham, N. Doran, J. Meggs, S. A. Munks, H. M. Otley and K. Richards
pp. 655-663
IS02002Narrow-range endemicity and conservation status: interpretations for Australian butterflies
T. R. New and D. P. A. Sands
pp. 665-670
IT01034Endemism, rarity and vulnerability of marine species along a temperate coastline
T. O'Hara
pp. 671-684