Invertebrate Taxonomy
Volume 14 Number 6 2000
Advances in Beetle Systematics and Biology.
Editors: R. Oberprieler, A. Calder and C. Myers
IT00041John F. Lawrence - coleopterist par excellence
A. F. Newton, E. G. Matthews and J. Muona
pp. 721-731
IT00032The larvae of the weevil tribe Eurhynchini and the phylogeny of the Brentidae (Coleoptera : Curculionoidea)
Rolf Oberprieler
pp. 755-770
IT00024Platypodidae under scrutiny
Guillermo Kuschel, Richard A. B. Leschen and Elwood C. Zimmerman
pp. 771-805
IT00026 Larval Sphindidae (Coleoptera : Cucujoidea): phylogenetic implications and new descriptions
Erica Chiao and Joseph V. McHugh
pp. 807-824
IT00030Larval head morphology of Phycosecis litoralis (Pascoe) (Coleoptera : Phycosecidae) with phylogenetic implications
Rolf G. Beutel and Darren A. Pollock
pp. 825-835
IT00029Relationships of the genera of Australian Strongylurini (Coleoptera : Cerambycidae)
Andrew A. Calder
pp. 863-870
IT00031The fossil record of Mesozoic and Tertiary Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera : Polyphaga)
Frank-Thorsten Krell
pp. 871-905
IT00025Beetles feeding on bugs (Coleoptera, Hemiptera): repeated shifts from mycophagous ancestors
Richard A. B. Leschen
pp. 917-929
IT99026The beetles at Wog Wog: a contribution of Coleoptera systematics to an ecological field experiment
Kendi F. Davies and Chris R. Margules
pp. 953-956