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Invertebrate Systematics Invertebrate Systematics Society
Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

Classification, phylogeny and biogeography of the genera of Adeliini (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae)

E. G. Matthews

Invertebrate Taxonomy 12(5) 685 - 824
Published: 1998


In the tribe Adeliini, 45 genera are recognised: 24 endemic to Australia, nineto New Zealand, eight to New Caledonia, and three to Chile, and one(Licinoma Pascoe) that occurs in both Australia andChile. The genera of Australia and Chile are keyed and fully described, andall recognised species of Adeliini from Australia (303) and Chile (12),including synonyms and 66 new combinations, are listed in appendices. Onlycryptic features (defensive glands, stridulatory files, aedeagus, ovipositorand female tract) are described for New Zealand and New Caledonian genera, butall characters are included in an overall data matrix for analysis.

The Adeliini are considered to be a tribe separate from Laenini. Therelationships of Phobelia Blanchard, Laenini,Goniaderini and Oncotini are briefly discussed. Four generic names aresynonymised: Achora Pascoe, 1869 =Isopteron Hope, 1840; DystalicaPascoe, 1869 = Adelium Kirby, 1818;Macroperas Carter, 1914 =Daedrosis Bates, 1868; andPseudadelium Kaszab, 1982 =Neoadelium Carter, 1908. New specific synonymiesproposed are Daedrosis rufipes Carter, 1934 =Tetragonomenes ruficornis (Champion, 1894);Adelium sinuaticolle Carter, 1914 =A. hackeri Carter, 1908;Dystalica multilineata Carter, 1937 =Seirotrana strigipennis Bates, 1873; andAdelium delicatulumCarter, 1919 =Adelium panagaeicolle Macleay, 1872. Two new names areproposed for new secondary homonyms: Daedrosis carteri,nom. nov. for D. antennalis Carter, 1920 (not Carter,1914), and Isopteron kulzeri, nom. nov. forCestrinus gracilis Kulzer, 1964 (not Carter, 1939).

Eleven new genera and seven new species are described from Australia:Apocryphodes based onA. thompsoni, sp. nov; Bellendenumbased on B. gonyxuthum, sp. nov.;Bolusculus based on B. arcanus,sp. nov.; Diaspirus based onD. bellendenus, sp. nov.;Dicyrtodes based on D. arneius,sp. nov.; Diemenoma based onAdelium commodum Pascoe, 1869;Dorrigonum based onLicinoma umbilicata Carter, 1924;Epomidus, based on E. prionodes,sp. nov.; Monteithium based onM. ascetum, sp. nov.; Nolicimabased on Cardiothorax angusticollis Carter, 1906; andYarranum based onSeirotrana crenicollis Pascoe, 1869. Two new genera andone new species are described from Chile: Penadeliumbased on P. araucanum, sp. nov., andValdivium based onAdelium sulcatulum Fairmaire & Germain, 1860.

All world genera but one were used for a phylogenetic reconstruction usingparsimony, which in turn is the basis for a biogeographic analysis. It wasfound to be necessary to divide Australia into two areas: the wet tropics ofnorthern Queensland, which have genera forming a monophyletic group with someof those of New Caledonia, and south-eastern Australia, which includes generaforming monophyletic groups with those of Chile. New Zealand genera do notparticipate in convincing monophyletic relationships with those of any othersingle area.

© CSIRO 1998

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