Molecular phylogeny of the marine littoral Adota Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) and its implication for biogeographic patterns
Jeong-Hun Song A , Jong-Keun Jung B and Kee-Jeong Ahn
Recent studies have proposed different biogeographic patterns of intertidal Diaulota and marine littoral Psammostiba along the Pacific coasts of the Northern Hemisphere. To compare the biogeographic patterns of different lineages of aleocharine beetles and explore the recurrent patterns among them, we studied coastal Adota, with a distribution range almost identical to those of Diaulota and Psammostiba. We performed phylogenetic analysis of the marine littoral Adota occurring on the Pacific coasts of the Northern Hemisphere using molecular characters (5188 bp: ~1452 bp of COI, ~404 bp of COII, ~475 bp of 16S, ~879 bp of 18S, ~973 bp of 28S, ~542 bp of EF1-α and ~463 bp of Wg) to discuss their phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic patterns. The data were analysed using parsimony (PA), Bayesian (BA) and maximum likelihood (ML) methods. The genus Adota and clade A with the same patterns of relationships (A. sinanensis ((A. elongata + A. koreana) (A. magnipennis + A. ushio))), were strongly supported as monophyletic in all analyses. The PA, BA and ML analyses yielded different species relationships in clade B: (A. kamchatkaensis (A. namhae + A. maritima)) in the ML tree using IQ-TREE2, (A. namhae (A. kamchatkaensis + A. maritima)) in the BA and RAxML trees and unresolved polytomy in the PA tree. Our results suggest that the ancestors of Adota were widespread along the East Asian coasts (North and South Korea, Japan, and Kamchatka, Russia). Subsequently, Adota species expanded their range and underwent vicariance between South Korea and Japan and Russia (Kamchatka). Later, another dispersal event occurred from South Korea and Japan to North America and a vicariance event occurred between South Korea and Japan, and North America. Adota have similar biogeographical patterns to Psammostiba, probably because they occupy the same microhabitats and have similar biological characteristics. The findings demonstrate the importance of microhabitats and biological traits in the study of biogeographic patterns of marine coastal insects.
Keywords: biogeography, coastal, colonisation, dispersal, phylogenetic analysis, rove beetles, sea currents, vicariance.
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