UCE-based phylogenomics of the lepidopteran endoparasitoid wasp subfamily Rogadinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) unveils a new Neotropical tribe
Eduardo M. Shimbori

During the past two decades, the phylogenetic relationships and higher-level classification of the subfamily Rogadinae have received relevant contributions based on Sanger, mitogenome and genome-wide nuclear DNA sequence data. These studies have helped to update the circumscription and tribal classification of this subfamily, with six tribes currently recognised (Aleiodini, Betylobraconini, Clinocentrini, Rogadini, Stiropiini and Yeliconini). The tribal relationships within Rogadinae, however, are yet to be fully resolved, including the status of tribe Facitorini, previously regarded as betylobraconine, with respect to the members of Yeliconini. We conducted a phylogenomic analysis among the tribes of Rogadinae based on genomic ultraconserved element (UCE) data and extensive taxon sampling including three undescribed genera of uncertain tribal placement. Our almost fully supported estimate of phylogeny confirmed the basal position of Rogadini within the subfamily and a Facitorini clade (Yeliconini + Aleiodini) that led us to propose the former group as a valid rogadine tribe (Facitorini stat. res.). Stiropiini, however, was recovered for the first time as sister to the remaining rogadine tribes except Rogadini, and Clinocentrini as sister to a clade with Betylobraconini + the three undescribed genera. The relationships recovered and morphological examination of the material included led us to place the latter three new genera and recently described genus Gondwanocentrus within a new rogadine tribe, Gondwanocentrini Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón trib. nov. We described these genera (Ghibli Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón gen. nov., Racionais Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón gen. nov. and Soraya Shimbori gen. nov.) with two or three new species each (G. miyazakii Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón sp. nov., G. totoro Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón sp. nov., R. brunus Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón sp. nov., R. kaelejay Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón sp. nov., R. superstes Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón sp. nov., S. alencarae Shimbori sp. nov. and S. venus Shimbori & Zaldívar-Riverón sp. nov.). A new species of Facitorini, Jannya pasargadae Gadelha & Shimbori sp. nov., is also described. Our newly proposed classification expands the number of tribes and genera within Rogadinae to 8 and 66 respectively.
ZooBank: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:51951C78-069A-4D8B-B5F0-7EBD4D9D21CE
Keywords: cyclostome, Ichneumonoidea, Neotropics, Parasitica, phylogenetics, phylogenomics, taxonomic classification, ultraconserved elements.
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