Image-based recognition of parasitoid wasps using advanced neural networks
Hossein Shirali

C Deceased.
Hymenoptera has some of the highest diversity and number of individuals among insects. Many of these species potentially play key roles as food sources, pest controllers and pollinators. However, little is known about the diversity and biology and ~80% of the species have not yet been described. Classical taxonomy based on morphology is a rather slow process but DNA barcoding has already brought considerable progress in identification. Innovative methods such as image-based identification and automation can further speed up the process. We present a proof of concept for image data recognition of a parasitic wasp family, the Diapriidae (Hymenoptera), obtained as part of the GBOL III project. These tiny (1.2–4.5 mm) wasps were photographed and identified using DNA barcoding to provide a solid ground truth for training a neural network. Taxonomic identification was used down to the genus level. Subsequently, three different neural network architectures were trained, evaluated and optimised. As a result, 11 different genera of diaprids and one mixed group of ‘other Hymenoptera’ can be classified with an average accuracy of 96%. Additionally, the sex of the specimen can be classified automatically with an accuracy of >97%.
Keywords: AI, artificial intelligence, biodiversity, Diapriidae, DNA barcoding, genus classification, Hymenoptera, image-based identification, integrative taxonomy, machine learning, neural network architectures, taxonomic identification.
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