The Asian rock-dwelling antlions Gatzara Navás, 1915 and Nepsalus Navás, 1914 (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae): new advancements in systematics, biogeography and life history
Yuchen Zheng

The antlion genera Gatzara and Nepsalus (Myrmeleontidae: Dendroleontinae) inhabit mountain forests and are characterised by camouflaging larvae. Both genera remain poorly known despite recent findings on systematics and distribution. We report the discovery of new specimens and the previously unknown larvae of the rare species Gatzara jubilaea Navás, 1915, Nepsalus insolitus (Walker, 1860) and N. decorosus (Yang, 1988). These provide new evidence regarding the affinities of these species, and updated knowledge of the distribution, larval morphology and biology. Moreover, a new species of Nepsalus, N. maclachlani Badano, Zheng & Liu, sp. nov. is described from Sri Lanka based on historical museum collections. The discovery of the immature stages of Gatzara shows that the larvae of this genus share the same specialised ecological characteristics and habits as those of Nepsalus but are less morphologically derived. We also reconstruct a molecular phylogeny of this lineage, estimating the divergence time and biogeographical history by adding the new samples. The evolution of the Gatzara + Nepsalus lineage is associated with two major mountain ranges on the southern Tibetan Plateau, i.e. the Himalayas and the Hengduan Mountains.
Keywords: Himalayas, historical biogeography, lacewing, larval morphology, oriental, palaearctic, phylogeny, taxonomy.
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