Combining morphological and molecular data resolves the phylogeny of Squilloidea (Crustacea : Malacostraca)
Cara Van Der Wal
A School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.
B Australian Museum Research Institute, Australian Museum, 1 William Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia.
C School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia.
D School of Biological Sciences and Center for Reproductive Biology, Washington State University, 100 Dairy Road, Pullman, WA 99164, USA.
E Corresponding author. Email:
Invertebrate Systematics 33(1) 89-100
Submitted: 10 April 2018 Accepted: 20 July 2018 Published: 5 February 2019
The mantis shrimp superfamily Squilloidea, with over 185 described species, is the largest superfamily in the crustacean order Stomatopoda. To date, phylogenetic relationships within this superfamily have been comprehensively analysed using morphological data, with six major generic groupings being recovered. Here, we infer the phylogeny of Squilloidea using a combined dataset comprising 75 somatic morphological characters and four molecular markers. Nodal support is low when the morphological and molecular datasets are analysed separately but improves substantially when combined in a total-evidence phylogenetic analysis. We obtain a well resolved and strongly supported phylogeny that is largely congruent with previous estimates except that the Anchisquilloides-group, rather than the Meiosquilla-group, is the earliest-branching lineage in Squilloidea. The splits among the Anchisquilloides- and Meiosquilla-groups are followed by those of the Clorida-, Harpiosquilla-, Squilla- and Oratosquilla-groups. Most of the generic groups are recovered as monophyletic, with the exception of the Squilla- and Oratosquilla-groups. However, many genera within the Oratosquilla-group are not recovered as monophyletic. Further exploration with more extensive molecular sampling will be needed to resolve relationships within the Oratosquilla-group and to investigate the adaptive radiation of squilloids. Overall, our results demonstrate the merit of combining morphological and molecular datasets for resolving phylogenetic relationships.
Additional keywords: mantis shrimp, molecular phylogeny, morphological phylogeny, Stomatopoda, total-evidence analysis.
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