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Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography

The Philodromus pulchellus-group in the Mediterranean: taxonomic revision, phylogenetic analysis and biogeography (Araneae : Philodromidae)

Christoph Muster A D , Robert Bosmans B and Konrad Thaler C
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A Institute of Biology II, University of Leipzig, Talstrasse 33, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany.

B Rijksuniversiteit Gent, Terrestrial Ecology Unit, Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium.

C Institute of Zoology and Limnology, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria.

D Corresponding author. Email:

Invertebrate Systematics 21(1) 39-72
Submitted: 3 May 2006  Accepted: 22 November 2006   Published: 8 March 2007


The Philodromus pulchellus species-group is defined and diagnosed. Eleven species are included, described or redescribed, keyed and illustrated: P. afroglaucinus, sp. nov. from Algeria; P. bistigma Simon, 1870, P. glaucinus Simon, 1870, P. lamellipalpis, sp. nov. from Algeria; P. medius O. P.-Cambridge, 1872; P. pardalis, sp. nov. from northern Africa and the Iberian peninsula; P. pulchellus Lucas, 1846, P. punctigerus O. P.-Cambridge, 1908, P. ruficapillus Simon, 1885, P. simoni de Mello-Leitão, 1929, and P. wunderlichi, sp. nov. from the western Canary Islands. The validity of P. bistigma and P. medius is re-established (formerly in synonymy with P. pulchellus); neotype and lectotype, respectively are newly designated. The following new synonymies are proposed: P. torquatus O. P.- Cambridge, 1908 = P. pulchellus; P. salinarum Denis, 1939 = P. glaucinus; P. glaucinoides Wunderlich, 1987 = P. punctigerus; P. marionschmidti (Schmidt, 1990) = P. pulchellus. Philodromus albopictus Simon, 1875 and P. rubidus Simon, 1870 are considered nomina dubia. Determination of phylogenetic relationships within the group is difficult owing to continuous character variation, resulting in partially incongruent reconstructions using morphological and molecular data (partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene). Dispersal vicariance analysis provides support for a western Mediterranean origin of the group.


This study would not have been possible without the generous loan of specimens from the following persons and institutions: Christine Rollard and Elise-Anne Leguin (MNHN), James Hogan (HEC), Peter Jäger and Julia Altmann (SMF), Jörg Wunderlich, Johan van Keer, Sergio Montagud (MVHN), Katrin Schniebs (MTD), Paul Hillyard (BMNH), Hieronymus Dastych (ZIM), Oliver David-Finch, Milan Řecáč and Martin Schmidt. Johan van Keer kindly agreed to tissue extraction in some specimens of his collection. Guido Fritzsch and Julio Schneider (University of Leipzig) provided assistance with phylogenetic reconstructions. Our special thanks go to Barbara Knoflach (University of Innsbruck) for providing the habitus photographs, assistance with the AutoMontage system, collecting support, proof-reading of the manuscript and various discussions. We gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of Otto Kraus (University of Hamburg) and Detlef Bernhard (University of Leipzig) on earlier versions of the manuscript. This research was in part supported by the University of Innsbruck and a research grant from he Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG MU1792/3-1).


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