‘Would you take a drug for this?’: attitudes by individuals with traumatic brain injury towards medication to improve social functioning
Sandra Reeder

Many people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) report problems with social functioning that can have immediate and enduring impacts. We aimed to explore perceptions of social functioning after TBI and understand attitudes towards medication that could improve long-term social outcomes.
A qualitative descriptive approach using interview methods was conducted in Victoria, Australia. Using purposive sampling we conducted 15 semi-structured interviews with people with moderate to severe TBI between July and September 2021.
Using a framework approach, we thematically identified three themes: (1) impacts of TBI on social roles and activities, including changes in recreational activities and role changes in family units; (2) change in social networks, resulting from shifts in attitudes to social activities and mental health issues; and (3) openness to novel treatments to improve social functioning – willingness to take potential medication to improve social functioning and the factors that have an impact on decision making.
Our results highlight that people with TBI experience a range of changes in social participation post-TBI, and that they have a strong interest in improving their social functioning. Such insights provide opportunities to tailor patient-centric treatments and circumnavigate barriers in the early stages of medication development for successful translation into practice in this population.
Keywords: adjuvant drug therapy, interviews, medication, qualitative, rehabilitation, social functioning, social interaction, traumatic brain injury.
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