Rupert Horace Myers 1921–2019
Ian D. Rae
Sir Rupert Horace Myers (1921–2019) was born in Melbourne and educated at Melbourne Boys High School and the University of Melbourne, where he was awarded a PhD degree in 1948 for research on the production of rare metals from Australian ores. As part of an Australian delegation, he worked at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell in the United Kingdom on production of uranium and plutonium metals. He returned to Australia in 1952 as foundation professor of metallurgy at the still very young University of New South Wales, where he later became vice-chancellor, serving from 1969 to 1981 before entering a long and fruitful retirement. Knighted in 1981, he was a model of scientific and academic leadership in Australia.
Keywords: atomic energy, chemistry, governance, metallurgy, metals, tantalum, technology, uranium.
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Myers, R. H. (1946b) Pilot scale processing of greenbushes tantalite, Proceedings of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 144, 1-14.
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Myers, R. H. (1946c) The preparation and consolidation of tantalum powder, Proceedings of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 144, 15-44.
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Myers, R. H. (1959) Ten years’ development—technology, Technology, 4(2), 50-51.
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Myers, R. H. (1962) Metallurgy at high temperatures, Chemical Engineering and Mining Review, 54(5), 52-58.
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Myers, R. H. (1964) Metallurgical education in Australia. The Australasian Engineer, 6(12), 26-32.
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Myers, R. H., and Baxter, J. P. (1966) Administration in a post-war university, The Australian University, 4(2), 95-115.
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Myers, R. H. and Robins, R. G. (1958a) ‘Some aspects of the production of uranium powder by the calcium reduction of the oxides’, in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Australia, pp. 111–114, Melbourne University Press on behalf of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Parkville, Vic.
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