Raymond Leslie Martin 1926–2020
Lisandra L. Martin
Ray Martin (1926–2020) was a talented and successful academic and leader, who won numerous awards and made discoveries that changed fundamental knowledge of the sub-discipline of physical inorganic chemistry. His journey over more than 90 years is one that demonstrates that he was one of nature’s gentlemen, who enjoyed sports, arts and people. He was passionate about science and discovery, and through a series of chance events, had a peripatetic life moving from academic positions, to industry, management, a vice chancellorship at Monash University, and then scientific advisor to the Australian Federal Government. Throughout this journey, he always made strong friendships, was an exceptional teacher and outstanding mentor—he was a quiet achiever.
Keywords: Cambridge tennis blue, Chair, Victorian College of the Arts, discovered metal‐metal delta‐bond, Government Scientific Advisor, Industrial researcher (ICI), Physical Inorganic Chemist, Raymond Leslie Martin, Vice Chancellor Monash University.
Caro, D. E., Martin, R. L., and Oliphant, M. (1987) Leslie Harold Martin: 21 December 1900–1 February 1983, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 33, 389-409.
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Falvello, L. R., Foxman, B. M., and Murillo, C. A. (2014) Fitting the pieces of the puzzle: the δ bond, Inorganic Chemistry, 53(18), 9441-9456.
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Figgis, B. N., and Martin, R. L. (1956) 746. Magnetic studies with copper(II) salts. Part I. Anomalous paramagnetism and δ-bonding in anhydrous and hydrated copper(II) acetates, Journal of the Chemical Society, 3837-3846.
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Greenwood, N. N. (1996) Harry Julius Emeléus: 22 June 1903 - 2 December 1993, Biographical Memoir of Fellows of the Royal Society, 42, 125-150.
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Johnson, B. F. G., Welch, A. J., Woollins, J. D., Johnson, C., and Housecroft, C. E. (2020) Norman Neill Greenwood. 19 January 1925—14 November 2012, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 68, 195-218.
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Martin, R. L., and Waterman, H. (1957) 495. Magnetic studies with copper(II) salts. Part II. Anomalous paramagnetism and δ-bonding in anhydrous and hydrated copper(II)n-alkanoates, Journal of the Chemical Society, 2545-2551.
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