Ralph Owen Slatyer 1929–2012
Graham Farquhar
A Research School of Biology, The Australian National University, ACT 2601, Australia. Email: graham.farquhar@anu.edu.au
Historical Records of Australian Science 31(1) 54-63 https://doi.org/10.1071/HR19009
Published: 14 January 2020
Ralph Slatyer (16 April 1929–26 July 2012) had a distinguished career in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and the Australian National University, in plant-water relations and plant succession, leading the development of physiological plant ecology. He was the founding Professor of Environmental Biology at the Research School of Biological Sciences, at the Australian National University and then Director of the Research School of Biological Sciences, 1984–9. He was Australian Ambassador to United Nations Educational and Scientific Cultural Organisation (1978–81), and as Australia’s first Chief Scientist (1989–92), he set up the Cooperative Research Centres.
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