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Historical Records of Australian Science Historical Records of Australian Science Society
The history of science, pure and applied, in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific

From Exploitation to Science: Lane Poole's Forest Surveys of Papua and New Guinea, 1922–1924

John Dargavel

Historical Records of Australian Science 17(1) 71 - 90
Published: 02 June 2006


Charles Lane Poole (1875-1970) was engaged from 1922 to 1924 to locate forest resources that could be exploited for a timber export trade from the Territories of Papua and New Guinea. He took his brief beyond this in order to establish a scientific base for forestry, explore country beyond the limits of white contact, and contribute to the mapping of the Territories. He did not find a timber resource for export, but he classified the forests, assessed likely areas and collected some 800 herbarium specimens. This paper examines his surveys in light of these dimensions, the context of time and place, and Lane Poole's beliefs and energy.

© Australian Academy of Science 2006

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