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Historical Records of Australian Science Historical Records of Australian Science Society
The history of science, pure and applied, in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific

False Start for the PhD in Australia

Historical Records of Australian Science 14(2) 129 - 141
Published: 02 December 2002


When the PhD was introduced in England, consideration was also being given to its introduction in Australia. The University of Melbourne first discussed the idea in 1918, and again in 1924, but other Australian universities were opposed. Arguments ran along lines familiar in England — some foresaw the PhD competing with other doctoral degrees, and others saw difficulties in providing resources. Others wished to continue the system whereby Australian graduates went to Britain for research training. Faced with a unanimous verdict by its sister institutions, Melbourne withdrew its proposal, and the idea of the PhD went underground, not to surface again until 1944 when Melbourne again led the way, this time successfully, in its introduction.

© Australian Academy of Science 2002

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