Health Promotion Journal of Australia
Volume 27 Number 1 2016
HEv27n1_EDWe need a comprehensive approach to health promotion
HE15011Risky business or not? FIFOs, sexual risk taking and the Australian mining industry
Despite lack of evidence, there is speculation that FIFO and DIDO models of mining contribute to higher levels of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV in Australia. This study explored differences in sexual risk taking between two groups (FIFO/DIDO miners and residential miners); our results found little difference in sexual risk taking between the groups. These findings are important for intervention planning aimed at reducing STI transmission.
HE15013Inside the black box of food safety: a qualitative study of ‘non-compliance' among food businesses
Although the science of food safety regulation is critical to good public health practice, it tells us little about the circumstances surrounding non-compliance. This research qualitatively explored the meanings and practices of 29 ‘non-compliant’ food businesses in order to understand their ‘insider’ perspectives of food safety regulation. The findings demonstrate the value of developing collaborative partnerships that can complement the food safety regulatory framework.
HE15086The relationship between alcohol consumption and related harm among young university students
Young university students drink more than the general population and more than other young adults. Due to high levels of binge drinking, young university students experience significant drinking-related harm. This paper explores the relationship between drinking and harm among young university students. Uniquely, it separates harm into categories: Criminal and Aggressive Behaviour, Health and Emotional Harms and Sexual Harms.
HE15086 Abstract | HE15086 Full Text | HE15086PDF (104 KB) Open Access Article
HE15030Developing a guide for community-based groups to reduce alcohol-related harm among African migrants
Until now, practical guidance on how to reduce alcohol-related harms in partnership with African communities has been scarce. This paper describes the results of a three-step process undertaken to create a guide to assist community groups and workers develop effective and culturally appropriate health promotion strategies. Topics and strategies discussed in this paper and the guide may also be useful for health promotion coalitions working in partnership with other CALD communities to address AOD-related harm.
HE14070Diet quality and six-year risk of overweight and obesity among mid-age Australian women who were initially in the healthy weight range
Maintaining a healthy body weight is crucial, especially for women during menopause transition. This paper examines the relationship between dietary quality and the risk of becoming overweight or obese during 6-year follow-up study. Poor diet was common among mid-age women. While it is important to optimise the nutrition quality of women’s diets, this strategy alone will not address the rising incidence of overweight and obesity.
HE15008Exploring Australian health promotion and environmental sustainability initiatives
Australian health promoters have important roles in tackling environmental sustainability challenges within the community. This study provides a snapshot of current practice, highlighting programs that focus on healthy and sustainable food, active transport, energy efficiency and contact with nature. It is promising that health promoters, with the help of new partners and techniques, are dealing with complex health and sustainability issues.
HE15065Planning for the next generation of public health advocates: evaluation of an online advocacy mentoring program
Public health advocacy is critical to achieve public health objectives. This paper reports the qualitative evaluation of an online e-mentoring program that combined skill-based activities with mentoring from an experienced public health advocate to build the advocacy capacity of a group of public health professionals.
HE15026A qualitative investigation of factors influencing participation in bowel screening in New South Wales
Bowel cancer is Australia’s second biggest cancer killer, yet bowel screening participation remains low. This study found that the low public profile of bowel cancer, coupled with poor knowledge of the role of screening in prevention, has contributed to misinformed perceptions of both the risk of cancer and the value of screening. Strategies that impart awareness and knowledge are needed in order to increase screening participation.
HE15059Ethics and health promotion practice: exploring attitudes and practices in Western Australian health organisations
Evidence-informed practice underpinned by ethics is fundamental to developing the science of health promotion. This research explored attitudes, practices, enablers and barriers related to ethics in practice in Western Australian health organisations. Although participants reported knowledge of ethical principles, the application of these principles was inconsistent. Alignment of evidence-informed and ethics-based practice is critical and may be achieved through access to information and resources about ethics.
HE15055The case of national health promotion policy in Australia: where to now?
HE15020Smoking among Aboriginal adults in Sydney, Australia
Contextual data is crucial to inform the development of health promotion programs in reducing tobacco consumption among Aboriginal Australians. This paper aimed to determine smoking status and associated factors among Aboriginal adults, and found that a high smoking rate was associated with age, work status and attitudes towards smoke-free homes. Targeted promotions for socio-demographic subgroups should be considered for future cessation strategies.
HE15057Challenges to translating new media interventions in community practice: a sexual health SMS program case study
While evidence grows to support new media interventions for promoting health behaviours, challenges exist in implementation outside of research settings. This work aims to describe translational barriers using a case study sexual health SMS program; key challenges related to under-resourcing, and finding appropriate recruitment settings/methods. These factors must be considered to maximise the potential of new media interventions to reach large populations, while researchers must also consider translation and scalability of their work.
HE15069‘Hero to Healing’ drink-driving program for Indigenous communities in Far North Queensland
Drink-driving programs can be effective in reducing the likelihood of recidivism. However, most programs are developed for mainstream drink drivers. In this paper, we report on the short-term perceptions and feedback received from Indigenous drivers and community members after piloting ‘Hero to Healing’, a program based on the Community Reinforcement Approach. The findings strengthen the case for treating drink driving in Indigenous communities as a community issue rather than an individual phenomenon.
HE15044Satisfaction with transport and enjoyment of the commute by commuting mode in inner Sydney
Being satisfied with your transport, and enjoying the way you travel, are very different concepts and vary considerably by transport mode. This study compared satisfaction with transport and enjoyment of the commute by commute mode in inner Sydney, Australia, where transport mode choices are readily available. People who walked or cycled to work or study reported higher levels of enjoyment from their commute compared with those who drove, highlighting a benefit of active travel.
HE15044 Abstract | HE15044 Full Text | HE15044PDF (68 KB) Open Access Article
HE15056Evaluating a health video on diabetic retinopathy
Annual screening for diabetic eye disease is recommended for Indigenous Australians, as blindness can be prevented in 98% of cases if the disease is identified and treated early. This study evaluated the impact of a health promotional video on patient compliance and screening rates, with findings demonstrating an increase in knowledge and alterations in attitudes about key disease issues. This study suggests that screening rates could be increased through expanded use of this video.