Functional Plant Biology
Volume 32 Number 9 2005
FP04214Single-nucleotide polymorphisms in rice starch synthase IIa that alter starch gelatinisation and starch association of the enzyme
Takayuki Umemoto and Noriaki Aoki
pp. 763-768
FP05083Rapid and efficient production of transgenic bermudagrass and creeping bentgrass bypassing the callus formation phase
Zeng-Yu Wang and Yaxin Ge
pp. 769-776
FP04224Temporal and spatial expression of hexose transporters in developing tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit
Stephen J. Dibley, Michael L. Gear, Xiao Yang, Elke G. Rosche, Christina E. Offler, David W. McCurdy and John W. Patrick
pp. 777-785
FP05070Characteristics of CO2 exchange between peach stems and the atmosphere
Giorgio A. Alessio, Fabrizio Pietrini, Federico Brilli and Francesco Loreto
pp. 787-795
FP05027Stable osmotica in Eucalyptus spathulata — responses to salt and water deficit stress
Andrew Merchant and Mark Adams
pp. 797-805
FP04219Effects of long-term ionic and osmotic stress conditions on photosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Saowarath Jantaro, Paula Mulo, Tove Jansén, Aran Incharoensakdi and Pirkko Mäenpää
pp. 807-815
FP05020Variation in growth responses to availability of water in Cistus albidus populations from different habitats
Olga M. Grant, Lynton D. Incoll and Tom McNeilly
pp. 817-829
FP05022Transient increase of de novo amino acid synthesis and its physiological significance in water-stressed white clover
Bok-Rye Lee, Woo-Jin Jung, Kil-Yong Kim, Jean-Christophe Avice, Alain Ourry and Tae-Hwan Kim
pp. 831-838
FP05055Binding of 3-phosphoglycerate leads to both activation and stabilisation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from apple leaves
Rui Zhou and Lailiang Cheng
pp. 839-848
FP05033Primary root growth: a biophysical model of auxin-related control
Andrés Chavarría-Krauser, Willi Jäger and Ulrich Schurr
pp. 849-862