Functional Plant Biology
Volume 30 Number 2 2003
Modelling Net Ecosystem Exchange
FP02036The riddle of root pressure. II. Root exudation at extreme osmolalities
William F. Pickard
pp. 135-141
FP02117A comparison of three different canopy radiation models commonly used in plant modelling
Ying Ping Wang
pp. 143-152
FP02088Conversion of canopy intercepted radiation to photosynthate: review of modelling approaches for regional scales
Belinda Medlyn, Damian Barrett, Joe Landsberg, Peter Sands and Robert Clement
pp. 153-169
FP02084How does ecosystem water balance affect net primary productivity of woody ecosystems?
Derek Eamus
pp. 187-205
FP02085Importance of mechanisms and processes of the stabilisation of soil organic matter for modelling carbon turnover
Evelyn S. Krull, Jeffrey A. Baldock and Jan O. Skjemstad
pp. 207-222
FP02152On the importance of including soil nutrient feedback effects for predicting ecosystem carbon exchange
Miko U. F. Kirschbaum, Guillaume Simioni, Belinda E. Medlyn and Ross E. McMurtrie
pp. 223-237