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Australian Energy Producers Journal Australian Energy Producers Journal Society
Journal of Australian Energy Producers


Irene Wyld and Bruce Godfrey

The APPEA Journal 34(1) 373 - 377
Published: 1994


Research—defined broadly as any activity in the concept to delivery continuum—is critical to the success of the present thrust for development of a competitive Australia. It provides the key to maintenance of existing competitive advantages, and the development of new competitive advantages both within Australia and in export markets. Nowhere is this more important than in the Australian petroleum industry (oil and gas). This industry contributes in the order of $10 billion annually to Australia's balance of trade. Yet until recently little research has been undertaken by Australian petroleum companies to support their exploration and production activities here.

There is now recognition by Australian petroleum companies that research must be undertaken by them to support access to prospective areas, enhance exploration success, maximise production and minimise environmental damage. The contribution which research can make to the growth of the industry will only accrue if that research is targeted on priorities which meet the short, medium, and long-term needs of the industry. To define these priorities APEA, working in conjunction with ERDC, has produced a research and development strategy for the Australian upstream petroleum industry.

The priorities resulting from this process cover the areas of exploration, production efficiencies, reservoir management, environmental effects and safety. Implementation of the strategy is occurring via ajoint Petroleum R&D Committee. ERDC's role in this process is to manage its investment in the projects resulting from the strategy to maximise the chances of successful implementation of the outcomes for the benefit of the industry and Australia.

© CSIRO 1994

Committee on Publication Ethics

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