Attributes and behaviours of crude oils that naturally inhibit hydrate plug formation
Zachary Aman A , William G.T. Syddall B , Paul Pickering B , Michael Johns A and Eric F. May AA Fluid Science and Resources Division, The University of Western Australia.
B Woodside Energy.
The APPEA Journal 55(2) 416-416
Published: 2015
The severe operating pressures and distances of deepwater tiebacks increase the risk of hydrate blockage during transient operations such as shut-in and restart. In many cases, complete hydrate avoidance through chemical management may be cost prohibitive, particularly late in a field’s life.
For a unique subclass of crude oils, however that have not been observed to form a hydrate blockage during restart, active hydrate prevention may be unnecessary.
In the past 20 years, limited information has been reported about the chemical or physical mechanisms that enable this particular non-plugging behaviour. This extended abstract demonstrates a systematic method of characterising this oil, including:
physical property analysis that includes and builds upon ASTM standards;
water-in-oil emulsion behaviour; and,
the effect of oil on hydrate blockage formation mechanics.
This last set of experiments uses a sapphire autoclave to allow direct observation of hydrate aggregation and deposition, combined with resistance-to-flow measurements. The effect of shut-ins and restarts on the oil’s plugging tendency is also studied in these experiments. The method was tested with several Australian crude oils, some of which exhibited non-plugging behaviour.
In general, these particular crude oils do not form stable water-in-oil emulsions but do form stable non-agglomerating hydrate-in-oil dispersions. The oils suppress hydrate formation rates and their resistance-to-flow does not increase significantly when the amount of hydrate present would normally form a plug.
![]() Zachary M. Aman is an associate professor of mechanical and chemical engineering at the University of Western Australia. His research focuses on the management and prevention of gas hydrate and asphaitene blockages in subsea oil and gas pipelines, as well as the transport of oil through the water column during deepwater blowout. He holds a BSc and a PhD in chemical engineering from the Colorado School of Mines, with a research focus on the interfacial phenomena of cyclopentane hydrate at the school’s Center for Hydrate Research. Member: SPE, Australian Computer Society, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the Institution of Chemical Engineers. |
![]() William G. T. Syddall is a senior flow assurance engineer at Woodside Energy Ltd. He is working as a flow assurance lead for a heavy oil development at Woodside Energy Ltd. He has had an interest in the rheology of dispersions for more than 14 years which started in the design and operation of two offshore heavy oil fields in Northern China. He holds a BSc in applied chemistry and an MEng in chemical engineering from Curtin University, Perth. |
![]() Paul F. Pickering is a principal flow assurance engineer at Woodside Energy Ltd, where he works in the design of oil and gas production systems. He has worked with multiphase flow and modelling of fluid flow systems, most notably with the foundation of FEESA Ltd and the invention of the Maximus Integrated Production Modelling software. He holds an MEng and a PhD in chemical engineering from Imperial College, London, with a research focus on transient instabilities in multiphase flows. |
![]() Michael L. Johns is the professor of chemical and process engineering at the University of Western Australia and is the chemical engineering discipline head. His research focuses primarily on the development and application of mobile magnetic resonance (MR) techniques with a particular focus on systems relevant to the oil and gas industry. He has previously developed and commercialised an MR method to characterise emulsions and the fouling of desalination module units. He has published more than 120 peer-reviewed publications. |
![]() Eric F. May is the Chevron Chair in gas process engineering at the University of Western Australia (UWA). He has been conducting experimental research in fluid science for more than a decade and was awarded the Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year as part of the 2012 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science. He teaches undergraduate and industry courses in thermodynamics and gas processing and has helped create a new chemical engineering degree at UWA. His research group works closely with industry and is conducting projects in LNG production, flow assurance, CO2 sequestration and fluid property prediction. |
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