Environmental Chemistry
Volume 3 Number 6 2006
RESEARCH FRONT: Cadmium Bioavailability and Biosorption
EN06056The Protective Role of Dietary Calcium Against Cadmium Uptake and Toxicity in Freshwater Fish: an Important Role for the Stomach
Chris M. Wood, Natasha M. Franklin and Som Niyogi
pp. 389-394
EN06055Subcellular Partitioning and the Prediction of Cadmium Toxicity to Aquatic Organisms
Wen-Xiong Wang and Philip S. Rainbow
pp. 395-399
EN06043Thermodynamic and Kinetic Aspects on the Biosorption of Cadmium by Low Cost Materials: A Review
Pablo Lodeiro, Roberto Herrero and Manuel E. Sastre de Vicente
pp. 400-418
EN06057An Agar Gel Technique Demonstrates Diffusion Limitations to Cadmium Uptake by Higher Plants
Fien Degryse, Erik Smolders and David R. Parker
pp. 419-423
EN06063Do Exudates Affect Cadmium Speciation and Bioavailability to the Rhizobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti?
Karine Dedieu, Tatiana Iuranova and Vera I. Slaveykova
pp. 424-427
EN06061A Field Investigation of Solubility and Food Chain Accumulation of Biosolid-Cadmium Across Diverse Soil Types
Mike J. McLaughlin, Mark Whatmuff, Michael Warne, Diane Heemsbergen, Glenn Barry, Mike Bell, David Nash and Deb Pritchard
pp. 428-432
EN06053Rate of Cd2+ Release from Dissolved Fulvic Acid and Natural Dissolved Organic Carbon as a Function of UVB Dose
R. Néron, J. C. Auclair and C. Fortin
pp. 433-438
EN06045Log DOW: Key to Understanding and Regulating Wastewater-Derived Contaminants
Martha J. M. Wells
pp. 439-449
EN06047Mobile Voltammetric Laboratory for Ship-Board and Shore-Based Analyses of Dissolved Copper
Sarah Knight, Nicholas Morley, Dónal Leech and Rachel Cave
pp. 450-456
EN06058_COCorrigendum to: Valence Bond Formulations of Mechanisms for the Formation and Decomposition of N2O5
Richard D. Harcourt and Thomas M. Klapötke
pp. 457-457