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Exploration Geophysics Exploration Geophysics Society
Journal of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Exploration Geophysics

Exploration Geophysics

Volume 49 Number 3 2018

EG16046Noise reduction of grounded electrical source airborne transient electromagnetic data using an exponential fitting-adaptive Kalman filter

Yanju Ji, Qiong Wu, Yuan Wang, Jun Lin, Dongsheng Li, Shangyu Du, Shengbao Yu and Shanshan Guan
pp. 243-252

GREATEM field data usually includes a mixed variety of noises, which makes the exponential decaying signal too difficult to identify. This paper presents an exponential fitting-adaptive Kalman filter (EF-AKF) to remove mixed electromagnetic noises, while preserving the signal characteristics. As a new method, the EF-AKF can be used for denoising exponential decaying signals.

EG16067Three-dimensional inversion of CSAMT data in the presence of topography

Changhong Lin, Handong Tan, Wangwang Wang, Tuo Tong, Miao Peng, Mao Wang and Weihua Zeng
pp. 253-267

In this paper, we present a scheme to incorporate 3D controlled-source audio frequency magnetotelluric (CSAMT) topographic distortions into the 3D inversion instead of correcting them. This approach has been verified by comparison with 2D FEM CSAMT solutions and synthetic inversion examples. The field example also illustrates the effectiveness of our approach.

EG16079Three-dimensional tensor controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotelluric inversion using LBFGS

Kunpeng Wang, Handong Tan, Changhong Lin, Jianlong Yuan, Cong Wang and Jing Tang
pp. 268-284

We have shown in this paper that directly using a magnetotelluric method to invert the data of the tensor controlled-source audio-frequency magnetotelluric (CSAMT) will obtain an incorrect result, the inversion result of tensor CSAMT is more reliable than that of the traditional CSAMT, and the limited-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (LBFGS) method is more efficient than the nonlinear conjugate gradient (NLCG) method for tensor CSAMT.

Magnetotelluric measurements were carried out in the southern Great Khingan Range, Inner Mongolia, China, from 2012 to 2014. After 2D inversion, the Paleozoic Hunnitu and Gadasu depressions were discovered and inferred to possibly contain Linxi strata. The Mesozoic Xiretu depression was also discovered, which possibly contains Cretaceous hydrocarbon-bearing strata.

EG17054Estimating high hydraulic conductivity locations through a 3D simulation of water flow in soil and a resistivity survey

Keisuke Inoue, Hiroomi Nakazato, Tomijiro Kubota, Koji Furue, Hiroshi Yoshisako, Michiaki Konno and Daisuke Shoda
pp. 299-308

We propose a simple method for estimating high hydraulic conductivity locations. The proposed method uses the 3D simulations of soil water flow and resistivity survey during a groundwater recharge experiment. Results of numerical and field experiments indicate that the proposed method estimates the high hydraulic conductivity locations more precisely compared with 3D inversion of in-line data.

EG16100Regularisation parameter adaptive selection and its application in the prestack AVO inversion

Guangtan Huang, Jingye Li, Cong Luo and Xiaohong Chen
pp. 323-335

In this paper, based on L-curve criterion, we propose an improved method for the adaptive acquisition of regularisation parameters for arbitrary norm condition. A detailed derivation of the proposed method is described. Numerical experiments confirm that the proposed method is more accurate and robust than its main competitor, generalised cross-validation.

In this study, we use sophisticated seismic attributes to interpret the 3D reflection seismic data to: (1) assess and mitigate the risks posed by deep mining activities and (2) improve the resource evaluation of the gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerate horizons (reefs) in the world’s deepest gold mines (South Africa).

We have constructed an anisotropic rock physics model at the seismic scale for shales, and applied it to the Longmaxi Shale in the Sichuan Basin, south-west China. The simplified reflectivity method is proposed to calculate seismic responses for amplitude variation with offset and azimuth (AVAz) analysis.

In this paper, we examine the characteristics of Scholte wave dispersion curves and their modal energy distribution by combining analytical solutions of the dispersion equation with numerical modelling. The modelling results showed that our approach can facilitate Scholte wave exploration in water-covered areas.

EG16144Acoustic wave propagation simulation by reduced order modelling

Hadi Mahdavi Basir, Abdolrahim Javaherian, Zaher Hossein Shomali, Roohollah Dehghani Firouz-Abadi and Shaban Ali Gholamy
pp. 386-397

A reduced order modelling method is introduced for wave propagation modelling by using the mode shapes of the model. The numerical accuracy, computational performance and boundary conditions of the proposed method were investigated. According to the results, the proposed method substantially improves the computational efficiency of the reverse time migration.

We present a singular spectrum analysis (SSA)-based algorithm for regional and residual gravity anomaly separation. Initially, we tested the method on synthetic data and applied gravity profiles from the Umred coalfield, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Final 2D crustal models obtained from the filtered regional anomaly agree well with regional geology and borehole information.

This paper describes an improved and efficient workflow that refines the art of structural interpretation from 3D seismic data. The research aims to streamline the interpretation workflow using better data conditioning scheme and defining a meta-attribute (fault probability cube) using an artificial neural network. A robust pathway is provided for delineating structural details of complex geological terrain.