Exploration Geophysics
Volume 42 Number 1 2011
Published jointly by ASEG, SEGJ, and KSEG
Editors: Joongmoo Byun, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Lindsay Thomas
EG10017Dispersion constraints and the Hilbert transform for electromagnetic system response validation
James Macnae and Ryan Springall
pp. 1-6
EG11005Three-dimensional anisotropic inversion of resistivity tomography data in an abandoned mine area
Myeong-Jong Yi, Jung-Ho Kim and Jeong-Sul Son
pp. 7-17
EG11004Seismic reflection imaging of a Warm Core Ring south of Hokkaido
Mikiya Yamashita, Kanako Yokota, Yoshio Fukao, Shuichi Kodaira, Seiichi Miura and Katsuro Katsumata
pp. 18-24
EG10048AVO analysis using crossplot and amplitude polynomial methods for characterisation of hydrocarbon reservoirs
Ji-Soo Kim, Won-Ki Kim, Hee-Sang Ha and Sung-Soo Kim
pp. 25-41
EG10047Detection of anomalous features in an earthen dam using inversion of P-wave first-arrival times and surface-wave dispersion curves
K. Y. Kim, K. M. Jeon, M. H. Hong and Young-gyu Park
pp. 42-49
EG09040Overpressure prediction of the Efomeh field using synthetic data, onshore Niger Delta, Nigeria
Gabriel Efomeh Omolaiye, John Sunday Ojo, Michael Ilesanmi Oladapo and Elijah A. Ayolabi
pp. 50-57
EG11002Monitoring and detecting CO2 injected into water-saturated sandstone with joint seismic and resistivity measurements
Jongwook Kim, Toshifumi Matsuoka and Ziqiu Xue
pp. 58-68
EG11003Estimation of site amplification and S-wave velocity profiles in metropolitan Manila, the Philippines, from earthquake ground motion records
Hiroaki Yamanaka, Kaoru Ohtawara, Rhommel Grutas, Robert B. Tiglao, Melchor Lasala, Ishmael C. Narag and Bartlome C. Bautista
pp. 69-79
EG10042Acoustic images of the submarine fan system of the northern Kumano Basin obtained during the experimental dives of the Deep Sea AUV URASHIMA
Takafumi Kasaya, Toshiya Kanamatsu, Takao Sawa, Masataka Kinosita, Satoshi Tukioka and Fujio Yamamoto
pp. 80-87
EG10016Rapid gravity and gravity gradiometry terrain corrections via an adaptive quadtree mesh discretization
Kristofer Davis, M. Andy Kass and Yaoguo Li
pp. 88-97
EG10039Acceleration of computation speed for elastic wave simulation using a Graphic Processing Unit
Norimitsu Nakata, Takeshi Tsuji and Toshifumi Matsuoka
pp. 98-104
EG10045A poroelastic model for ultrasonic wave attenuation in partially frozen brines
Jun Matsushima, Takao Nibe, Makoto Suzuki, Yoshibumi Kato and Shuichi Rokugawa
pp. 105-115
EG10044Reply by the authors to the discussion by Nakatsuka
Jun Matsuo and Nobuhiro Isezaki
pp. 123-126