Exploration Geophysics
Volume 24 Number 2 1993
Editors: C. Barton and C. Klootwijk
EG993099Geomagnetic field based orientation systems for balloon-borne astronomy payloads
R. Sood, J. Panettieri and D. Grey
pp. 99-102
EG993117Micropulsation and induction array study near Ballarat, Victoria
P.R. Milligan, A. White, G. Heinson and R. Brodie
pp. 117-122
EG993123Development and application of differential vector magnetometers
P.W. Schmidt, D.A. Clark, D.A. Coward and M.P. Huddleston
pp. 123-126
EG993151Preliminary analysis of annual and semi-annual variations of the geomagnetic field
H. McCreadie and E.C. Butcher
pp. 151-156
EG993157Electromagnetic induction in the Earth using long period geomagnetic variations
H.F. Petersons
pp. 157-160
EG993163Non-stationary time series analysis ? MT applications
L.M. Hastie and I.J. Chant
pp. 163-166
EG993167Instrumentation for detection and generation of ELF emissions in seawater
J. Vrbancich
pp. 167-174
EG993179Electromagnetic induction in the Australian crust: results from the Australia-wide array of geomagnetic stations
F.H. Chamalaun and C.E. Barton
pp. 179-186
EG993187Thin-sheet electromagnetic modelling of the Australian continental crust
R.W. Corkery and F.E.M.(Ted) Lilley
pp. 187-190
EG993195The electrical conductivity of the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the coastline of Southern California
G. Heinson, S. Constable and A. White
pp. 195-200
EG993209Rock magnetism and geophysical interpretation of the Black Hill Norite, South Australia
S. Rajagopalan, P. Schmidt and D. Clark
pp. 209-212
EG993223Palaeomagnetism and magnetic anisotropy of proterozoic banded-iron formations and iron ores of the Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
D.A. Clark and P.W. Schmidt
pp. 223-226
EG993227Palaeomagnetism of the Southeastern McArthur Basin: poles, overprints and reversals
M. Idnurm, J.W. Giddings and K.A. Plumb
pp. 227-230
EG993231Significance of overprint magnetizations in the palaeoproterozoic Kombolgie formation, western McArthur Basin, N.T.
J.W. Giddings and M. Idnurm
pp. 231-238
EG993239Early timing of remanence in haematite of the Neoproterozoic Elatina formation, Adelaide geosyncline: Confirmation of the low palaeolatitude of Neoproterozoic glaciation
P.W. Schmidt, B.J.J. Embleton and G.E. Williams
pp. 239-242
EG993243Palaeomagnetic tests of tectonic models of the Tasman Fold Belt during the Neoproterozoic and palaeozoic
C.McA. Powell, Z.X. Li and M.W. McElhinny
pp. 243-246
EG993257An historical perspective of the early palaeozoic APWP of Gondwana: New results from the early Ordovician Black Hill Norite, South Australia
P.W. Schmidt, D.A. Clark and S. Rajagopalan
pp. 257-262
EG993263New late Palaeozoic palaeomagnetic results from Cratonic Australia, and revision of the Gondwanan apparent polar wander path
Z.X. Li, Z. Chen and C.McA. Powell
pp. 263-268
EG993269Remagnetisation of strata during the Hunter-Bowen orogeny
M.A. Lackie and P.W. Schmidt
pp. 269-274
EG993275Uraniferous quartz ? hematite breccias at Mt Painter (South Australia): palaeomagnetic dating of hydrothermal activity
C.A. Heinrich and M. Idnurm
pp. 275-276
EG993277Palaeomagnetic research in Southeast Asia: progress, problem and prospects
I. Metcalfe
pp. 277-282
EG993283Reinterpretation of palaeomagnetic results from the Bird's Head, Irian Jaya: new constraints on the drift history of the Kemum Terrane
J.W. Giddings, W. Sunata and C. Pigram
pp. 283-290
EG993291Palaeomagnetic constraints on terrane tectonics: Highlands and Sepik regions, Papua New Guinea
C. Klootwijk, J. Giddings and C. Pigram
pp. 291-294
EG993295Origin and Evolution of Turkish blocks during the late Triassic from magnetostratigraphic data
H. Théveniaut, Y. Gallet, J. Besse, L. Krystyn and J. Marcoux
pp. 295-300
EG993301Palaeomagnetism of ferricrete from Vale of Belvoir, Western Tasmania: Implications for Tasmanian cenozoic glacial history
P.C. Augustinus and M. Idnurm
pp. 301-302
EG993303Palaeomagnetism of New Zealand glacigenic deposits
S. Fitzsimons, M. Pollington and E. Colhoun
pp. 303-304
EG993305Palaeomagnetic constraints on the ages of Tasmanian glaciations
M.J. Pollington, E.A. Colhoun and C.E. Barton
pp. 305-310
EG993311Palaeomagnetism, rock magnetism and evolution of the Great Barrier Reef
C.E. Barton and F.M. Peerdeman
pp. 311-314