Bulletin of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists
Volume 11 Number 4 1980
The Geophysics of the Elura Orebody
Editor: D. W. Emerson
EG9804025Magnetic property studies and magnetic surveys of the Elura prospect, Cobar, NSW
P.R. Gidley and D.C. Stuart
pp. 25-30
EG9804042Physical properties of the Elura prospect, Cobar, NSW
M.N. Schneider and D.W. Emerson
pp. 42-43
EG9804048The induced polarisation technique over the Elura orebody
W.J. Tschaikowsky and K.E. Le Brocq
pp. 48-53
EG9804054Spectral IP Survey Elura deposit (line 50 800 N) Cobar, NSW
P.G. Hallof and W.H. Pelton
pp. 54-58
EG9804066A computer model evaluation of the resistivity and IP response of the Elura deposit
E.D. Tyne, R.J. Haren and S.S. Webster
pp. 66-74
EG9804081Early electrical and magnetic induced polarisation results over the Elura orebody
A.W. Howland-Rose
pp. 81-85
EG9804140One-loop and two-loop TEM responses of the Elura deposit, Cobar, NSW
B.R. Spies
pp. 140-146