Exploration Geophysics
Volume 38 Number 4 2007
EG07023Instantaneous attributes: the what and the how
Tadeusz Ulrych, Mauricio Sacchi, Mike Graul and M. Turhan Taner
pp. 213-219
EG07024Seismic pattern recognition based upon Hopfield Neural Networks
Rafael Banchs and Oscar Rondon
pp. 220-224
EG070252.5D modelling of elastic waves in transversely isotropic media using the spectral element method
Catherine Sinclair, Stewart Greenhalgh and Bing Zhou
pp. 225-234
EG07029Blind deconvolution of seismic signals with non-white reflectivities
He-Zhen Wu, Li-Yun Fu and Xiao-Hong Meng
pp. 235-241
EG07026Seismic refraction characteristics of the Elura ore body and regolith
Robert J Whiteley
pp. 242-253
EG07028New heat flow data from south-eastern South Australia
Chris Matthews and Graeme Beardsmore
pp. 260-269