Exploration Geophysics
Volume 38 Number 1 2007
Published jointly by ASEG, SEGJ, and KSEG
Editors: L. Thomas, H. Yamanaka, J.-h. Kim
EG07007Multi-station joint inversion of receiver function and surface-wave phase velocity data for exploration of deep sedimentary layers
Takeshi Kurose and Hiroaki Yamanaka
pp. 19-28
EG07001Seismic attenuation from VSP data in methane hydrate-bearing sediments
Jun Matsushima
pp. 29-36
EG07005Fusion of 3D seismic exploration and seafloor geochemical survey for methane hydrate exploration
Sadao Nagakubo, Toshiaki Kobayashi, Tetsuya Fujii and Takao Inamori
pp. 37-43
EG070103D gravity inversion with Euler deconvolution as a priori information
Hyoungrae Rim, Yeong-Sue Park, Mutaek Lim, Sung Bon Koo and Byung Doo Kwon
pp. 44-49
EG07003Robust 1D inversion of large towed geo-electric array datasets used for hydrogeological studies
David Allen and Noel Merrick
pp. 50-59
EG07009A new algorithm for SIP parameter estimation from multi-frequency IP data: preliminary results
Jeong-Sul Son, Jung-Ho Kim and Myeong-Jong Yi
pp. 60-68
EG07008Numerical modelling of electromagnetic waveguide effects on crosshole radar measurements
Hannuree Jang, Mi Kyung Park and Hee Joon Kim
pp. 69-76
EG07006Towards remote sensing of sediment thickness and depth to bedrock in shallow seawater using airborne TEM
Julian Vrbancich and Peter K. Fullagar
pp. 77-88
EG07004Three-dimensional magnetotelluric surveys for geothermal development in Pohang, Korea
Tae Jong Lee, Yoonho Song and Toshihiro Uchida
pp. 89-97
EG07002Geoscientific land management planning in salt-affected areas
Simon Abbott, David Chadwick and Greg Street
pp. 98-109