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Animal Production Science Animal Production Science Society
Food, fibre and pharmaceuticals from animals

Root mapping of three tropical pasture species using 32P

RA Bray, JB Hacker and DE Byth

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 9(39) 445 - 448
Published: 1969


Root growth patterns of Glycine javanica, Setaria anceps, and Medicago sativa were studied by uptake of 32P from a sandy loam. Placement of isotope was through permanently positioned PVC conduit on a grid over a 90¦ quadrant of the root system. Detection of radioactivity was in in situ plant material. Lucerne had strong initial root development but was slow to form lateral roots. Glycine and Setaria had quite similar root systems although Setaria had more rapid vertical root development than Glycine. Both these species had strong lateral root systems. When a regression of minimum root length against time was calculated, lateral root growth was shown to be independent of depth and distance from the plant, suggesting that roots behave as if growing from a point source in random directions at a constant rate. This rate was the same for all species. There were also indications of strong vertical root systems in lucerne and Setaria.

© CSIRO 1969

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