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Animal Production Science Animal Production Science Society
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The sterilization of banana fruit against Queensland fruit fly (Strumeta tryoni)

BM Braithwaite

Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry 3(9) 98 - 100
Published: 1963


Bananas were sterilized against Queensland fruit fly under laboratory and commercial conditions by dipping mature fruit in diluted emulsions of dimethoate or fenthion. Maggot development was inhibited with both insecticides. Neither insecticide adversely affected the flavour or appearance of fruit and residue analyses indicated that their .we was unlikely to present any toxicity hazard to humans. Salicylanilide dipping is universally practiced in Australia for the control of post-harvest fungous diseases of banana fruit, and both dimethoate and fenthion are compatible with salicylanilide and could easily be added to the present dips to provide a reliable sterilization treatment against Queensland fruit fly for bananas entering quarantine areas.

© CSIRO 1963

Committee on Publication Ethics

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