Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction for grain yield of rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes for general and specific adaptation to salt stress locations
S. L. Krishnamurthy
Handling Editor: Mohd. Kamran Khan
Salt stress is one of the major, ever-increasing abiotic stresses that hinders rice production across arable land around the world. In order to sustain the production of rice (Oryza sativa) in these salt-affected areas, high-yielding stable salt tolerant genotypes must be identified.
The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model was carried out to identify high-yielding stable rice genotypes under both saline and alkali stress.
Nineteen promising rice genotypes including five standard checks were evaluated using randomized block design under nine salt stress environments using three replications in 2017 and 2018.
The AMMI model II is thought to be the best model for genotype identification based on prediction accuracy with high GEIS and low GEIN (genotype and environment interaction noise). According to AMMI model II, six genotypes were identified as the top performers under salt stress: one genotype (CSR RIL-01-IR 165) yielded the best in three environments; another genotype (CSR 2711-17) yielded highly in in two environments; and the remaining three genotypes (RP5989-2-4-8-15-139-62-6-9, RP 6188-GSR IR1-8-S6-S3-S1, RP6189-HHZ17-Y16-Y3-SAL1) as well as one control genotype (CHK2) yielded well in single environments.
Based on AMMI stability study, genotypes RP5989-2-4-8-15-139-62-6-9, CSR2711-17, CSR RIL-01-IR 165, CSR-2748-4441-195, CSR-2748-4441-193), and CSRRIL-01-IR 75 were determined to be higher yielding and more stable than the national control genotype (CSR23).
The high-yielding stable genotypes identified in this study could be planted for salt-affected areas to sustain the production of rice.
Keywords: adaptation, alkalinity, AMMI, G × E interaction, mega environments, rice, salinity, stability.
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