Crop and Pasture Science
Volume 61 Number 7 2010
Featuring papers on Breeding for Perennial Grains
CP09201Progress in breeding perennial grains
T. S. Cox, D. L. Van Tassel, C. M. Cox and L. R. DeHaan
pp. 513-521
CP09203Agronomy looking forward, thinking broadly
I. J. Titmarsh, J. Doughton and E. Woods
pp. 522-527
CP09221The impact of El Niño Southern Oscillation on seasonal drought in the southern Australian grainbelt
P. T. Hayman, A. M. Whitbread and D. L. Gobbett
pp. 528-539
CP10003Novel barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) germplasm resistant to acidic soil
J. S. Moroni, K. Sato, B. J. Scott, M. Conyers, B. J. Read, R. Fisher and G. Poile
pp. 540-553
CP10011Evaluation of chicory cultivars and accessions for forage in south-eastern Australia
Guangdi D. Li, Zhongnan Nie, Amanda Bonython, Suzanne P. Boschma, Richard C. Hayes, Andrew D. Craig, Greg M. Lodge, Bronwen Clark, Brian S. Dear, Alison B. Smith, Steven Harden and Steve J. Hughes
pp. 554-565
CP09292Nitrogen and radiation effects during the active spike-growth phase on floret development and biomass partitioning in 2- and 6-rowed barley isolines
Sebastián Arisnabarreta and Daniel J. Miralles
pp. 578-587
CP09167The timing of pruning affects flushing, flowering and yield of macadamia
J. D. Wilkie, M. Sedgley and T. Olesen
pp. 588-600