Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 50 Number 3 1999
A98058Genetic variation in populations of two Mediterranean annual pasture legumes (Biserrula pelecinus L. and Ornithopus compressus L.) and associated rhizobia
A. Loi, J. G. Howieson, P. S. Cocks and S. J. Carr
pp. 303-314
A98124Glucosinolate profiles of Australian canola (Brassica napus annua L.) and Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) cultivars: implications for biofumigation
J. A. Kirkegaard and M. Sarwar
pp. 315-324
A98072Identification in Australia of the quarantine pathogen of sunflower Phoma macdonaldii (Teleomorph: Leptosphaeria lindquistii )
E. Miric, E. A. B. Aitken and K. C. Goulter
pp. 325-332
A98106Detection and differentiation of phytoplasmas in Australia: an update
B. Schneider, A. Padovan, S. De La Rue, R. Eichner, R. Davis, A. Bernuetz and K. Gibb
pp. 333-342
A98077Irrigation of grapevines with saline water at different growth stages. 1. Effects on soil, vegetative growth, and yield
R. M. Stevens, G. Harvey, D. L. Partington and B. G. Coombe
pp. 343-356
A98080Effects of timing of heat stress and drought on growth and quality of barley grains
Roxana Savin and Marc E. Nicolas
pp. 357-364
A98134Gradients of pH, ammonium, and phosphorus between the fertiliser band and wheat roots
Xike Zhang and Zdenko Rengel
pp. 365-374
A98096Adaptation and seed yield of cool season grain legumes in Mediterranean environments of south-western Australia
K. H. M. Siddique, S. P. Loss, K. L. Regan and R. L. Jettner
pp. 375-388
A98098Cool season grain legumes for Mediterranean environments: species × environment interaction in seed quality traits and anti-nutritional factors in the genus Vicia
J. D. Berger, K. H. M. Siddique and S. P. Loss
pp. 389-402
A98097Cool season grain legumes for Mediterranean environments: the effect of environment on non-protein amino acids in Vicia and Lathyrus species
J. D. Berger, K. H. M. Siddique and S. P. Loss
pp. 403-412
A97149Sulfur amino acid metabolism in the whole body and mammary gland of the lactating Saanen goat
J. Lee, R. J. Knutson, S. R. Davis, K. Louie, D. D. S. Mackenzie and P. M. Harris
pp. 413-424
A98121Responses of broilers to sodium bicarbonate supplementation of diets containing varying arginine : lysine ratios
D. Balnave and J. Brake
pp. 425-430
A98064Mathematical equations to describe lactation curves for Holstein- Friesian cows in New South Wales
P. R. Tozer and R. G. Huffaker
pp. 431-440