Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 57 Number 3 2006
Changed Water Use to Fit Farming and Community Needs
AR05056Nitrogen use and crop type affect the water use of annual crops in south-eastern Australia
R. M. Norton and N. G. Wachsmann
pp. 257-267
AR04103Consequences of rainfall during summer–autumn fallow on available soil water and subsequent drainage in annual-based cropping systems
P. J. Dolling, I. R. P. Fillery, P. R. Ward, S. Asseng and M. J. Robertson
pp. 281-296
AR04278Use of long-season annual legumes and herbaceous perennials in pastures to manage deep drainage in acidic sandy soils in Western Australia
I. R. P. Fillery and R. E. Poulter
pp. 297-308
AR04015A catchment-based approach to recharge estimation in the Liverpool Plains, NSW, Australia
H. Sun and P. S. Cornish
pp. 309-320
AR04017Changes in soil water content under annual- and perennial-based pasture systems in the wheatbelt of southern New South Wales
G. A. Sandral, B. S. Dear, J. M. Virgona, A. D. Swan and B. A. Orchard
pp. 321-333
AR04016The performance of lucerne–wheat rotations on Western Australian duplex soils
R. A. Latta and A. Lyons
pp. 335-346
AR04132Using soil, climate, and agronomy to predict soil water use by lucerne compared with soil water use by annual crops or pastures
P. R. Ward, S. F. Micin and F. X. Dunin
pp. 347-354
AR04133Impact of subsoil constraints on wheat yield and gross margin on fine-textured soils of the southern Victorian Mallee
D. Rodriguez, J. Nuttall, V. O. Sadras, H. van Rees and R. Armstrong
pp. 355-365