Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 30 Number 4 1979
AR9790597Effect of competition by white clover on the seed production characteristics of subterranean clover
RCG Smith and MC Crespo
pp. 597-607
AR9790609Interacting effects of subsoil acidity and water on the root behaviour and shoot growth of some genotypes of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.)
JR Simpson, A Pinkerton and J Lazdovskis
pp. 609-619
AR9790621Temperature effects on lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose in tropical and temperate grasses
CW Ford, IM Morrison and JR Wilson
pp. 621-633
AR9790635Biocrystallization of mineral material on forage plant cell walls
WR McManus, RG Anthony, LL Grout, AS Malin and VNE Robinson
pp. 635-649
AR9790651Genotypic variation in resistance to Kabatiella caulivora in Trifolium subterraneum subspecies yanninicum
PE Beale and N Thurling
pp. 651-658
AR9790677 The effect of supplementary cystine and energy on the utilization and distribution of cystine in merino sheep
AJ Williams, BD Coleman and RA Pither
pp. 677-694
AR9790703 Glutathione peroxidase and selenium in sheep. II.* The relationship between glutathione peroxidase and selenium-responsive unthriftiness in Merino lambs
DI Paynter, JW Anderson and JW McDonald
pp. 703-709
AR9790711 Effect of nutrition, genotype, lactation and wool cover on response by grazing sheep to methionine esters and polymer-encapsulated methionine
JL Wheeler, KA Ferguson and NT Hinks
pp. 711-723
AR9790725The accuracy of tritiated water turnover rate as an estimate of milk intake in lambs
H Dove and M Freer
pp. 725-739
AR9790741The effects of sheep treading and grazing on pasture and soil characteristics of irrigated annual pastures
PA Witschi and DL Michalk
pp. 741-750
AR9790767Genetic history of the pedigree Poll Hereford breed in Australia: effect of the importation ban
GL Toll and JSF Barker
pp. 767-777