Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 21 Number 2 1970
AR9700223Sensitivity of annual Medicago species to manganese toxicity as affected by calcium and pH
AD Robson and JF Loneragan
pp. 223-232
AR9700243Fertilizer responses with non-irrigated Shiraz grapevines, 1944-1966
HW Tulloch and WB Harris
pp. 243-252
AR9700253Nutrient cycling in grazed pastures. II. Further observations with [35S] gypsum
AR Till and PF May
pp. 253-260
AR9700283Synthesis of microbial protein in the rumen. I. Influence of the level of nitrogen intake
ID Hume, RJ Moir and M Somers
pp. 283-296
AR9700315Synthesis of microbial protein in the rumen. IV. The influence of the level and form of dietary sulphur
ID Hume and PR Bird
pp. 315-322
AR9700323Urea excretion in ruminants. I. Studies in sheep and cattle offered the same diet
RF Thornton
pp. 323-336
AR9700345Urea excretion in ruminants. III. The role of the hind-gut (caecum and colon)
RF Thornton, PR Bird, M Somers and RJ Moir
pp. 345-354
AR9700359The effects of different cultivars of subterranean clover (T. subterraneum L.) on sheep reproduction in the South-west of Western Australia
HL Davies, RC Rossiter and R Maller
pp. 359-369