Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 27 Number 6 1976
AR9760769Comparative responses of Lolium perenne and Bothriochloa macra to temperature, moisture, fertility and defoliation
SJ Cook, A Lazenby and GJ Blair
pp. 769-778
AR9760787The interrelation of burr burial, seed yield and dormancy in strains of subterranean clover
WJ Collins, CM Francis and BJ Quinlivan
pp. 787-797
AR9760799 Symbiotic characteristics of Rhizobium trifolii from Israel in association with 10 species of Trifolium*
J Brockwell and J Katznelson
pp. 799-810
AR9760811 Effects of seed bed conditions on the germination of four Stylosanthes species in the Northern Territory
JJ Mott, GM McKeon and CJ Moore
pp. 811-823
AR9760825The inheritance of flowering time in Townsville stylo (Stylosanthes humilis)
DF Cameron
pp. 825-838
AR9760839Transmission of prune dwarf virus by peach pollen and latent infection in peach trees
PR Smith and LL Stubbs
pp. 839-843
AR9760845The response of the grape cultivar Crouchen (Australian syn. Clare Riesling) to various trellis and pruning treatments
P May, PR Clingeleffer, PB Scholefield and CJ Brien
pp. 845-856
AR9760873The effect and site of action of potassium upon magnesium absorption in sheep
FM Tomas and BJ Potter
pp. 873-880
AR9760881An evaluation of cereal stubbles for sheep production
JG Mulholland, JB Coombe, M Freer and WR McManus
pp. 881-893
AR9760895Site variation in the deposition of linoleic acid in adipose tissue of cattle given formaldehyde-treated sunflower seed
RL Hood and RF Thornton
pp. 895-902
AR9760903The flow of nutrients from the abomasum in calves fed on heat-treated milks
RJ Johnson and J Leibholz
pp. 903-915
AR9760917Production, composition, and manufacturing properties of milk from grazing cows fed on a formaldehyde-treated sunflower seed supplement
BD Bartsch, NJS Ellis, DM McLean and JC Radcliffe
pp. 917-927