Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 27 Number 2 1976
AR9760217Replacement of cv. Yarloop in swards by new genotypes of Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. yanninicum and the effects of defoliation
GJ Burch and P Andrews
pp. 217-226
AR9760227Effect of water stress on the phasic development of annual Medicago species
NM Clarkson and JS Russell
pp. 227-234
AR9760235 Studies of grain production in Sorghum bicolor (L. Moench). VII.* Contribution of plant parts to canopy photosynthesis and grain yield in field stations
KS Fischer, GL Wilson and I Duthie
pp. 235-242
AR9760253Effect of coumestans on reproduction in the ewe
RW Kelly, NR Adams and DR Lindsay
pp. 253-259
AR9760277Seasonal pasture contamination and availability of nematodes for grazing sheep
WH Southcott, GW Major and IA Barger
pp. 277-286
AR9760309 Bos indicus and Bos taurus crossbred dairy cattle in Australia. IV.* Progeny testing and expected rate of genetic improvement
IR Franklin, RH Hayman and RO Hewetson
pp. 309-321