Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 29 Number 4 1978
AR9780669The effect of fallowing on the yield of wheat. II. The effect on grain yield
RJ French
pp. 669-684
AR9780759Nitrogen response of seedlings of Aristida ramosa R.Br. and Danthonia DC. Spp
AR Harradine and RDB Whalley
pp. 759-772
AR9780831Apical chlorosis and leaf spot of Tagetes spp. caused by Pseudomonas tagetis Hellmers
D Trimboli, PC Fahy and KF Baker
pp. 831-839
AR9780831cCorrigendum - Apical chlorosis and leaf spot of Tagetes spp. caused by Pseudomonas tagetis Hellmers
D Trimboli, PC Fahy and KF Baker
pp. 831-839
AR9780841Selection of pea lines for resistance to pathotypes of Ascochyta pinodes, A. pisi and Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella
SM Ali, LF Nitschke, AJ Dube, MR Krause and B Cameron
pp. 841-849
AR9780851Agricultural climatology of the Upper Murrumbidgee River Valley, New South Wales
K Edwards and WH Johnston
pp. 851-862
AR9780863The nutrition of ruminants grazing native and improved pastures. I. Seasonal variation in the diet selected by grazing sheep and cattle
JP Langlands and CR Holmes
pp. 863-874
AR9780875 The nutrition of ruminants grazing native and improved pastures. II.* Responses of grazing cattle to molasses and urea supplementation
JP Langlands and GE Donald
pp. 875-883
AR9780885 Resistance to Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) in different breeds of cattle
KBW Utech, RH Wharton and JD Kerr
pp. 885-895