Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 29 Number 3 1978
AR9780431A study of grain number in two contrasting wheat cultivars
PJ Bremner and JL Davidson
pp. 431-441
AR9780443 Effect of environment and cultivar on source limitation to grain weight in wheat
RA Fischer and D HilleRisLambers
pp. 443-458
AR9780459 Determination of spikelet number in wheat. III.* Effect of varying temperature on ear development
MS Rahman and JH Wilson
pp. 459-467
AR9780503Senescence, digestibility and carbohydrate content of buffel grass and green panic leaves in swards
JR Wilson and L't Mannetje
pp. 503-516
AR9780517Water-soluble polysaccharide determination as a technique for evaluation of sweet corn maturity
B Darbyshire, WA Muirhead and RJ Henry
pp. 517-522
AR9780545Studies on the control of wet bubble disease of mushrooms with benzimidazoles
NG Nair and HJ Baker
pp. 545-553
AR9780555The epidemiology and control of tulip breaking virus in Victoria
J Sutton and RG Garrett
pp. 555-563
AR9780577Environmental factors affecting Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium numbers on land used for effluent disposal
DS Chandler and JA Craven
pp. 577-585
AR9780587The effect of intravenous administration of phosphorus on phosphorus and calcium metabolism in sheep
KM Towns, RC Boston and DD Leaver
pp. 587-593
AR9780595The nitrogen metabolism of sheep consuming Flinders grass (Iseilema spp.), Mitchell grass (Astrebla spp.) and mixed native pasture
BW Norton, RM Murray, KW Entwistle, JV Nolan, FM Ball and RA Leng
pp. 595-603
AR9780605 Relative efficiency of Merino and Border Leicester × Merino ewes
DO Kleemann and CHS Dolling
pp. 605-613
AR9780605c Corrigendum - Relative efficiency of Merino and Border Leicester × Merino ewes
DO Kleemann and CHS Dolling
pp. 605-613
AR9780631Partitioning intake and outflow of nitrogen and water in cattle grazing tropical pastures
BD Siebert, VA Romero, RA Hunter, RG Megarrity, JJ Lynch, JD Glasgow and MJ Breen
pp. 631-644