Australian Journal of Agricultural Research
Volume 33 Number 4 1982
AR9820679 Evolution of subterranean clover in South Australia. II. Change in genetic composition of a mixed population after 19 years' grazing on a commercial farm
PS Cocks, AD Craig and RV Kenyon
pp. 679-695
AR9820697Purification of a Tasmanian isolate of subterranean clover red leaf virus, and its serological interactions with a New Zealand isolate and other luteoviruses
GR Johnstone, JE Duffus, D Munro and JW Ashby
pp. 697-703
AR9820711The association between lambing status and future reproductive performance of ewes grazing oestrogenic pastures
RW Ponzoni and SK Walker
pp. 711-720
AR9820721The influence of feeding level and type of feed on the carcasses of steers
RJ Sully and JHL Morgan
pp. 721-729
AR9820731Mixed model estimation of age and month of calving adjustment factors for milk and butterfat yields of New South Wales dairy cattle
RW Everett, JF Taylor and K Hammond
pp. 731-741