Selenium uptake by rocket plants (Eruca sativa) grown in a calcareous soil as affected by Se species, Se rate and a seaweed extract-based biostimulant application
Ioannis Zafeiriou A , Dionisios Gasparatos A , Dafni Ioannou A and Ioannis Massas
A Laboratory of Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, School of Environment and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 11855 Athens, Greece.
Crop & Pasture Science -
Submitted: 9 July 2021 Accepted: 30 September 2021 Published online: 31 January 2022
© 2022 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
To investigate the potentiality of Eruca sativa (rocket) to be enriched in selenium (Se) and, thus, to promote human health through consumption, a pot experiment was designed. Two rates, 5 and 10 mg/kg soil, of either selenite or selenate sodium salts were applied to appropriate pots, each filled with 1 kg of calcareous soil. Rocket seedlings were transplanted and grown in these pots, and to half of the pots the biostimulant Actiwave was added. Twelve weeks later, the plants were harvested and Se concentrations determined in shoots and roots. Plant growth characteristics were measured and plants biometrics were assessed by soil plant analyses development (SPAD), normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and normalised difference red edge (NDRE). Sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in plant samples were also determined to discuss possible interactions among the three elements. The highest Se concentration of 1070.5 mg/kg dry weight (DW) was observed for the high selenate rate without biostimulant, placing rocket in the group of Se hyperaccumulator plants. Toxic effects were recorded for the plants that received the high selenate rate, whereas no toxicity symptoms were observed for either selenite rate. According to Se concentrations in controls, biostimulant application significantly suppressed Se uptake and significantly increased S and P uptake. The same negative biostimulant effect on Se concentration in plants was clear in selenate treatments. When the results were expressed as total uptake (mg/pot), positive correlations among Se, S and P were found for selenate treatments, whereas for selenite treatments, the opposite was observed. Impressively, 1.6 mg Se/pot on a DW basis was accumulated in rocket shoots in the low selenate-rate without biostimulant treatment, corresponding to approximately 30% of the added 5 mg of selenate.
Keywords: biofortification, biostimulant, calcareous soil, Eruca sativa, NDVI, selenate, selenite, SPAD.
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